MallerComplexity Family tool goes open-source

During RTCNA Boost Your BIM collaborated with Kelly Cone and Matt Mason to create a tool to measure complexity of Revit families. It is named in honor of Aaron Maller who makes some of the most sophisticated families around.

It scores each family and its top-level nested families based on the # of family parameters and # of operators (‘>’, ‘<‘, ‘+’, ‘-‘, ‘*’, ‘/’) in parameter formulas.

Thinking that others might like to continue the development of this tool, Boost Your BIM has created a public repository for the code and looks forward to seeing the enhancements that others might implement.

Git repository:

Discussion at Revit Forum:


5 thoughts on “MallerComplexity Family tool goes open-source

  1. Hey there! I still love that this thing exists, haha. Are those the only Operators it searches for? I know the ratings would change significantly if it also included ^ (exponents), sqrt (square roots), roundup/rounddown, if’s, or’s, and’s, and so on. Just thought it might be more entertaining if it can check for those as well. 😛

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