Total length of multiple lines

There’s been a bunch of discussion in the Autodesk forum about how to get the total length of multiple elements.

Here’s an API solution that works with lines, walls, beams, conduit, or anything else with a “Length” parameter


public void lineLength()
    double length = 0;
    Document doc = this.ActiveUIDocument.Document;
    UIDocument uidoc = this.ActiveUIDocument;
    ICollection<ElementId> ids = uidoc.Selection.GetElementIds();
    foreach (ElementId id in ids)
        Element e = doc.GetElement(id);
        Parameter lengthParam = e.get_Parameter(BuiltInParameter.CURVE_ELEM_LENGTH);
        if (lengthParam == null)
        length += lengthParam.AsDouble();
    string lengthWithUnits = UnitFormatUtils.Format(doc.GetUnits(), UnitType.UT_Length, length, false, false);
    TaskDialog.Show("Length", ids.Count + " elements = " + lengthWithUnits);

getting Dimension Segment data

Question: Can we use the API to automatically add up all of the dimension segments in a single string of dimensions? I want to use it to check the sum of a string of dimensions against an overall dimension for coordination purposes.



public void DimensionSegments()
    Document doc = this.ActiveUIDocument.Document;
    UIDocument uidoc = this.ActiveUIDocument;
    Dimension dim = doc.GetElement(uidoc.Selection.PickObject(ObjectType.Element)) as Dimension;
    double total = 0;
    string segmentsWithText = "";
    string segmentsNoText = "";
    string segmentValues = "";
    foreach (DimensionSegment dimSeg in dim.Segments)
        total += (double)dimSeg.Value;
        segmentsWithText += dimSeg.ValueString + Environment.NewLine;
        string segmentString = dimSeg.ValueString;
        if (dimSeg.Above != null && dimSeg.Above != "")
            segmentString = segmentString.Replace(dimSeg.Above,"");
        if (dimSeg.Prefix != null && dimSeg.Prefix != "")
            segmentString = segmentString.Replace(dimSeg.Prefix,"");
        if (dimSeg.Suffix != null && dimSeg.Suffix != "")
            segmentString = segmentString.Replace(dimSeg.Suffix,"");
        if (dimSeg.Below != null && dimSeg.Below != "")
            segmentString = segmentString.Replace(dimSeg.Below,"");
        segmentsNoText += segmentString.TrimStart(' ') + Environment.NewLine;
        segmentValues += dimSeg.Value + Environment.NewLine;
    TaskDialog.Show("Total Dimension", 
                    "Sum of lengths: " + total + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine +
                    "Segment text:" + Environment.NewLine + segmentsWithText + Environment.NewLine + 
                    "Segments no text:" + Environment.NewLine + segmentsNoText + Environment.NewLine + 
                    "Segment values:" + Environment.NewLine + segmentValues);