11 thoughts on “Upgrading your API applications to a new Revit version – Part 2

    • I just started updating my addins using this great method, thanks again for the info.

      I wanted to note that I also found that you can add the configuration to the Build Events like so:

      if $(ConfigurationName) == 2014 copy “$(ProjectDir)bin\2014\some.dll” “$(AppData)\Autodesk\REVIT\Addins\2014”
      if $(ConfigurationName) == 2015 copy “$(ProjectDir)bin\2014\some.dll” “$(AppData)\Autodesk\REVIT\Addins\2015”

  1. Hello Harry

    thanks for posting this, however, I believe it is better to wrap the revit version dependant code in calls to dependant dll’s (C#projects). This means you don’t have to create multiple builds (and configurations) for multiple versions of Revit. Thus the same addin can be used in multiple revit versions.

  2. I was able to build for 4 different versions of Revit using this tutorial. Thank you very much!

    I do have a question for you , I have a post-build command as follows :

    if exist “$(AppData)\Autodesk\REVIT\Addins\2022” copy “$(ProjectDir)*.addin” “$(AppData)\Autodesk\REVIT\Addins\2022”
    if exist “$(AppData)\Autodesk\REVIT\Addins\2022” copy “$(ProjectDir)$(OutputPath)*.dll” “$(AppData)\Autodesk\REVIT\Addins\2022”

    This copies the dll and the addin file that from the project directory to the Addin folder. I would like to add similar commands to the different configurations I’ve setup and would like them to execute only when that configuration is built. Right now the Configuration drop down menu is not available in the “Build Events” tab as it is in the “Build” tab. Is there a way to turn this feature on? Or is there a better way to achieve what I am trying to do?

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