What are your #AU2023 #Revit API wishes?

Reviving an old tradition from RTC days of the past, this week during Autodesk University send your questions, suggestions, and wishes for things that might be possible to achieve with the Revit API. A handful will be selected, implemented, and shared here in future posts.

You can find some past wishes that were granted at https://boostyourbim.wordpress.com/category/api-wish/rtc/

25 thoughts on “What are your #AU2023 #Revit API wishes?

  1. Sub Categories for scope boxes, so I can have different colours, for the different scales, and they can be turned of at the different levels, or the ability to filter them.. Its not hard I’m sure.

    • Hi Ryan – Thanks for the suggestion. Could you clarify this a bit? Is this a tool that you would use in the Family Editor to take all elements in subcategory “A”, move them to subcategory “B”, and then delete subcategory “A”?

      • Yes. That would be correct, but this is done on the Project Level/Revit File (not the Family editor/file)

        Any chance of it working?

        Even if I can bind/group subcategory into global parameters too.

        • Thanks. So what are some examples of the subcategories you want to merge from the Project level? Are they subcategories in the families, where you’d like the API to edit the families, merge the subcategories, and reload the family back into the project?

          • Model categories ie Generic Model, Plumbing Fixture. All subcategories appear in Object Styles. Just wondering if there is anyway to merge it.

            Even when selecting a family it shows in the Edit Browser or a new browser what subcategories being in used in the Family. Maybe highlighting it in 3D in a new browser

            Thank you so much Harry.

          • If the subcategories are coming into your project from loaded families, then I think the solution would be a tool that edits the families, moves the elements to a different subcategory, deletes the subcategory from the family, reloads the families, and then deletes the empty subcategory from the project. Does that sound right to you?

          • Yes. That would be ideal without having to go into the family edit.

            Thank you Harry

  2. Woul it be possible to convert Room boundaries to Area boundaries and vice versa. Also possible to convert any line type to Area or/and Room boundary, using API.

    Thank you Harry

    • Yes, I think so. If the areas and their boundaries are duplicated in the same locations, won’t there be “multiple areas are in the same enclosed region” warnings? Is that what you want?

    • I know that is possible to duplicate area color scheme using Dynamo, not so sure about actual areas and boundaries. As Harry stated it will be just copied on top of each other.

      • Area color schemes, areas, area tags, and area boundary lines are all standard Revit elements. So all of them can be copied with the Revit API, Dynamo, and manually through the Revit UI.

        • Hi, thanks for all your replies. To be clear, I was asking about Area schemes (not area colour schemes). In area schemes, the areas and area boundaries are unique to the particular area scheme. For example, take the situation where you create areas and area boundaries for a gross area calculation. Then you create a new Area Scheme for the rentable areas. The area and boundaries that were created in the Gross Area Scheme will not appear in the Rentable Area Scheme (nor would you want them to).

  3. Hi Harry, Is it possible to place tags on objects in a 3D view, where the tag will not be placed on the object but next to it?

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