A public Git repository for sharing Revit Macros at BitBucket

With encouragement from Luke that we get together to create “an unlimited store of easily accessible plugins in an open source repository”, I’ve created a public Git repository at https://bitbucket.org/BoostYourBIM/revit_api_public/ that will be open to anyone who wants to contribute code. (BitBucket requires each user to be explicitly given write access, so let me know if you’d like that and I will send you an invite)

In my post at https://boostyourbim.wordpress.com/2013/07/31/what-is-version-control-and-why-should-you-care/ I explained why the products BitBucket and SourceTree from the folks at https://www.atlassian.com/ seem like a good combination. These tools let us back up, track revisions, and share code without having to do the crazy command-line stuff that is sometimes associated with technologies like Git. I hope the video below sheds at least a bit of light on how the pieces fit together.

The idea is that you should be able to install SourceTree, go to this BitBucket repository, click “Check out in Source Tree”


Get a repository in SourceTree that looks like this:


And end up with the code on your computer like this

That creates working macros as shown here
macro manager

If this makes no sense or doesn’t work at all, let me know and we will try to straighten it out.

6 thoughts on “A public Git repository for sharing Revit Macros at BitBucket

  1. Hi Harry

    When I check out the repository files get copied to my machine fine, Revit sees them. But I cannot open them or use them in Revit. I just get the little red cross to indicate that they failed to build. How do I proceed, do I need to build them from outside Revit’s environment?


    • Hi Duncan,

      These steps work for me:

      • Create a module named “Public_2014” using the Revit Macro UI
      • This creates a folder C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\Revit\Macros\2014\Architecture\AppHookup\Public_2014\Source
      • Go to https://bitbucket.org/BoostYourBIM/revit_api_public/downloads
      • Click on the zip link to download https://bitbucket.org/BoostYourBIM/revit_api_public/get/master.zip
      • In the Source folder of this zip there is a file Public_2014.sln and a folder Public_2014.
      • Delete the files of the same name in C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\Revit\Macros\2014\Architecture\AppHookup\Public_2014\Source and copy those from the zip to that location.
      • Edit the Public_2014 module from the Revit Macro UI.
      • Compile in SharpDevelop
      • I see what you’re getting at. So the Macro must initially be created from Revit, but after that the files can come in from outside. I’ve got that working with my udemy course practice file running on several machines, and now also a static copy of Public_2014 which works. Thanks.

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