Family Parameter Editing in Excel – Data Round-trip

Yesterday’s post was about getting Family Parameter data out of Revit and into Excel. Here you can see:

  1. Parameter data exported to Excel for every family in a specified directory
    For this example I hard-coded “C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\RAC 2013\Libraries\US Imperial\Columns” but it could be any directory you want
  2. Data modified in Excel for multiple families
  3. Data read back into the family files
  4. Modified families saved to disk
  5. Families manually opened to show the changes made with the API commands


7 thoughts on “Family Parameter Editing in Excel – Data Round-trip

  1. That’s great to be able to see all of the Family Parameters for several families at the same time in Excel! This would be perfect for the family creation work I do.

    Is it also possible to see Shared Parameters too or just Family Parameters? If so, could you also show the GUIDs for the Shared Parameters? One obvious use there is to easily verify that all of the Shared Parameters among several families have the same GUIDs.

  2. I’am beginning to love you…this looks great.
    As Ryan indicated, it would be very very very nice if you can publish all parameters from the families….. it’s gold…..

  3. Would love to see how that macro was written, are there any tutorials for this workflow?
    Keep up the good work.
    Tom sweeney.

  4. Hi Harry.
    Love this site as an up to date learning resource.
    I’m wondering if this can be done with schedules as opposed to a family?

    Thanks in advance,

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